Serving Abroad

Horsforth People Serving God Across The World

South Africa

Working in the valley of a thousand hills with Aids orphans.

Many members from Churches in Horsforth have an ongoing relationship with two charities in the valley of a thousand hills where the HIV rate is estimated at 60%.

Sethani South Africa work with the community in KwaNgcolosi, a semi-rural tribal area of KwaZulu Natal, aiming to relieve poverty and to empower the community through the provision of facilities and training in five areas.  These are identified as orphan support, nursery provision, youth and children’s activities, the centre and developing income projects.

In 2010 a team of 21 went out to work with HIV orphans and a smaller team returned in 2012. In the summer of 2014 another 18 strong team from Horsforth  travelled out to Sethani to deepen the relationship further. We are delighted that Ducklings nursery are developing a twinning relationship with the Sethani nursery and Horsforth School are supporting it as one of their charities of the year. In 2016 a team of 17 went out and built two play areas for the project.  In 2018 another team of 20 people from Horsforth visited. Unfortunately Covid meant that in 2020 we couldn’t send a team but fundraising continues to support the community.